Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween in the ‘Bash

After getting 12 hours of amazing sleep on Friday night, I was ready to get my dancing groove thang on at Draw, a club in Maebashi on Saturday night. They had a Halloween party and a bunch of JETs turned up for it. Nacchan drove me, Sean, Jenny (and Grant for a bit) there, which was nice, as it is a bitch to train to. Actually, it’s a bitch to drive to, as well, crazy Japanese stoplights! Anyway, it was very tanoshikatta, as I hadn’t danced since Paradise Ball. Hello, a month and a half without dancing is not acceptable in the life of a Santilli!

Highlights of the night include:

-Tequila! Tequila is rare in Japan, so of course I had to get a shot of it. However, Draw’s version of a shot is much different than anyone else’s apparently, as it was like a third of a freaking plastic cup, with no lime or salt! However, I was a good Mexican and was the only one who could down it all in one gulp.

-Jenny was one hot-as maid! Poor girl didn’t fare so well by the end of the night, however. Hope you’re feeling better, dahling!

-Cindy made the funniest student EVER! Oh, yeah, I was a JTE by wearing the heinous tracksuit I was given, and she borrowed a student’s uniform. She was my student and we were secretly having an affair. Anyway, she TOTALLY looked like a student, and even had her hair in pigtails with Mickey Mouse rubberband thingies!

-Dancing, dancing, dancing! Of course, the gay guys were the only ones to dance the entire night (or much at all, really), but since half of Gunma seems to be gay, it was a fair amount of us out there ;)

-Sean was out there ganbatteru-ing on the dance floor, so I gave him a few lessons. I expect you to be practicing at home, you little white boy, you ;)

-Being recognized for my blog?! Um, that was weird. Who the hell is reading this thing?

I ended up crashing in Maebashi for the night (yay for not having to leave early). On Sunday I had like the most relaxed Sunday EVER, it was great. Had a lazy morning, then went for coffee and pizza with Granto-san. G introduced me to the best and cheapest pizza place I have yet to find in this country! A drink, salad, medium-sized pizza (a REAL medium-sized pizza, might I add) and dessert for 750 yen?! I am most definitely going back. To make the Sunday even better, we went to Muji, which I had been craving all week. I gave in and got one of those memory pillow things they have, which I recommend to everyone. I never want to leave my bed again. Is it sad that I want it to get colder so I can have an excuse to buy some comfy, warm Muji sheets?

Oh, might I add that I feel sorry for Grant for hanging out with me the entire day, as I have NEVER looked so unattractive in my entire life. My hair was ALL over the place, I was wearing the black PJ shirt from the night before and Grant’s oversized track pants (thankfully he lent me his, as I didn’t exactly want to be seen in my SEXY red ones) and I hadn’t showered since dancing. Um, yeah.

After that I trained to Ota, got some orgasmic melon maple pan from Uni, then hung out with 3nensei students on the train ride home (I’m sure they were impressed with my appearance).

Chilled with some dinner and Alias for the rest of the night. How could a Sunday be any better?

Photos of the weekend to come today or tomorrow....


Anonymous said...

reason #516 to be jealous of you: muji. i hate shopping, but i love me some muji.

Cindy Ng said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the school uniform. I loved your high water track suit pants as well! We definitely make quite the scandalous couple! Hehe.