Friday, February 03, 2006


If my six classes that earned me my AMAZING business minor have taught me anything (they haven’t), they taught me this (not really): invest in Japanese eraser companies! Yes, companies such as Sony and Toyota may be more exciting, but Japanese people seem to go through erasers more than rice and green tea combined.

For those of you who don’t know, Japanese people don’t use the erasers on their pencils. That would just be CRAZY and illogical. Instead, they use separate erasers like the pink ones we have (but never use) in the States. However, Japanese erasers are always white, which makes more sense when you think about it. Anyway! If you tell a Japanese student that something is wrong, it never crosses their mind to cross it out and write it somewhere else. They bust out their handy keshigomu from their kawaii fudebako (cute pencil case) and erase it with all their might. Even if they are changing “drank” to “drink” (which has happened approximately 300 times this week in my 1nensei classes), they will at least erase the “a;” many, however, will erase the entire word to change one letter. WTF? That is too much work, yo.

Also, if it’s a matter of making things attractive, perhaps some work on one’s penmanship would be more useful than constant erasing. With some of the boys’ papers, I’m like, “That ain’t gonna get any better-looking no matter how much you erase, honey, mmmkay?” (10 Jeff Blog points if you read that in the correct sassy voice!)

To add to the complete eraser fever in this country, my 1nensei have recently entered a phase in which they break up their eraser into small bits and throw them across the room at random students. I would say at least 10 students do this in every class, every single period of the day. That’s a lot of fucking erasers, yo. It’s also a lot of Jeff wanting to strangle many Japanese kids every day, but that’s beside the point.

So, yes, my dear readers, call up those stock brokers and make your investment now. Or regret the fact that you just took the time to read an entire blog entry on fucking erasers. Can you tell I am trying to waste the last ten minutes at work on a Friday?

1 comment:

GrantPGranthm said...

Erasers are white in Australia, too. And we don't actually call them erasers. We call them... rubbers.