Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nerd Convention

Last night was the weekly Ota potluck. However, due to it being cold as fuck and no one wanting to bike anywhere, we have been doing it at restaurants in Ota lately. Also, due to people being sick and busy, there were a whopping THREE people at last night’s dinner, hahaha. So, yes, it was a PARTY with me, Sean and Cindy. Nah, just kidding, we had fun. And by “fun,” I mean we were the nerdiest people in all of Japan (and that takes a LOT).

The three of us decided last night would be the official time to do a file swap of TV shows and movies from our external hard drives (well, me and Sean were swapping. Cindy was just STEALING! Hee hee). So, I went to dinner with my huge backpack full of literally more than $3,000 worth of technology: my laptop, my external hard drive, my iPod and my camera. Sad, I am such an otaku.

Anyway, we decided to walk to Sean’s house after dinner, as we couldn’t think of any place we could steal electricity. Might I mention that laptops are really light until you have to carry them in a backpack for a 20-minute walk? Yeah.

So, at Sean’s place we did the swap and I now have TONS of stuff to watch during winter hibernation! Woot!

Cindy and I left Sean’s and walked back to Ota eki, which we thought would take 20 minutes. I didn’t think we were walking particularly slow, but apparently we were, because at about 9:35, we realized we were a bit far from the eki to make my 9:48 train. The following 13 minutes were the most excruciating minutes of my entire life! I had to fucking RUN as fast as I could with the fucking heaviest backpack in the world! Needless to say, “fast as I could” was NOT very fast at all! On top of this, I was wearing the following clothes: a wifebeater, a t-shirt, a long-sleeved shirt, a sweater, and a THICK coat, gloves and a scarf (if it was truly cold last night, which it wasn’t, I would have been wearing a fleece under the jacket. Thank god I wasn’t!). I was also wearing underwear, long underwear, jeans, and thick skiing socks. Um, YEAH. So I made the train just in time (the second time in a week that I have yelled at the platform person to wait for me as I run up the stairs to the train), and was sweaty and out of breath for like the whole train ride. Hmm, PERHAPS I am a bit out of shape! Jesus!

So, yay to having movies to watch. And yay to having a reason to be more out of shape than I already am!

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