Monday, March 06, 2006

Daietto chuu

Because we feel disgusting in every way possible, Ann, Cindy and I are attempting the impossible: we are going on a diet. It’s a sad day when we have to take such drastic measures, but I’m afraid we have reached that point where we are SO fucking fat and lazy from this stupid-ass winter that it feels like we’re each pregnant. With quintuplets.

The diet officially starts today, but I did a pretty good job yesterday, too, so it sorta started yesterday for me. Except for the Ministop berry parfait :) We aren’t going to stop eating by any means, but we are going to eat smaller portions and limit dessert to a small piece of candy or form of sugar that fixes the craving but doesn’t go overboard like, say, a bowl of MOW ice cream. I MUST lose weight before seeing Eduardo, dammit!

Fortunately for my body’s sake, the weather is starting to warm up, so it is actually possible to bike around and exercise a bit more than in the last three months or so. I went around town yesterday and it felt nice. Unfortunately for the diet, however, Kris (my sister) is coming in a week and a half, and I don’t see how two Santilli children together could possibly adhere to a diet while on vacation! Hmm. We shall see. If anyone wants to join our mission, you are more than welcome. Let’s ganbaru!

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