Monday, March 13, 2006

Photoso de randomo

Instead of posting useful pics, here are three ones taken because I was both bored and amused....

An apartment complex called "kuroobaa" Heights. I thought it was supposed to mean Crowbar Heights, but Ann realized that it's meant to be Clover Heights. I wanna live in Crowbar Heights!

Only in Japan is it okay to park like this

These are all over the trains lately. They are meant to be running noses, but they look rather penis-y to me!


Scott said...

Hey bud, it was great seeing you and Cindy the other night in the always beautiful Shibukawa. I definitely think you have a shot with the obachan at Wiz . . .

Anonymous said...

Funny, I have a feeling that I won't miss Mexico when I visit you as they seem to have a lot of our own costumes such as parking ON the sidewalk and WEIRD advertising!!!!