Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Druuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunk with teachers

On Friday night I finally went to my first big enkai with teachers (I went to one the week before, but it was only with the 3nensei staff). Friday was a big send-off enkai, as all of the teachers and staff that left for new schools returned for a big BORING assembly during the day (18 speeches that were NOT brief!), followed by a drunk “we’ll miss you!” party at night. It was wayyyyy more fun than I expected, and I also got wayyyyy more drunk than I would expect to be with a bunch of old people!

I got a ride to the place (a nice, fancy hotel, where I was the only one without a suit, oops) from Ms. Kimura’s husband, which was cool, because I didn’t have the motivation to bike there. Enkais are expensive ($50), but I got my money’s worth, as they give you like three meals’ worth of food, plus nomihoudai (all you can drink). P:LUS I got the coolest table there (almost all of the young teachers, somehow, even tho we decided where to sit by pulling numbers? Weird). The Japanese policy is to pour other people’s drinks, even if there is only like a sip missing from the cup….in other words, there is NEVER an empty glass. Um, this is MUY abunai! I swear I must have had…I don’t even KNOW how many beers, because the teachers just kept filling me up! Hmm, that sounds rather dirty.

Anyway, once I was completely drunk as shit and bonding with teachers that I hadn’t even talked to before, we went to the nijikai (second party) at a karaoke place a block away. It was only 20 bucks for karaoke, nomihoudai, and food! Hell yeah, bitches. Ya know, ‘cause I needed more food and drinks. At karaoke, I found out Mr. Satou (a cute teacher who left that I hadn’t ever really talked to) is like fluent in English and knows more English songs than me! We sang My Charona (Sharona?), and it didn’t even have katakana for him to read, but he could sing it all! WTF! And we also sang Oasis’ Wonderwall. Clazy! Then I sang Train Train with Morita-Sensei, who is cool because he is the only teacher that is my age. I also bonded with dear Fujii-Sensei (AKA Hot-Ass Sensei), who was even drunker than me, and was napping during most of the nijikai. He asked for my keitai numbah, hollah! Hee hee.

After karaoke, the hardcore teachers went to a fucking SANjikai (third party), but I knew my limit, so I went home…however, Ms. Kimura abandoned me and I had to walk home drunk as fuck for an hour! Thankfully I had a sense of direction, as my teachers told me to “just go straight,” which would have taken me to Isesaki! Um, no, thanks!

When I got home, I immediately bumped into my thingy that holds my glasses (I don’t know English) and a wine glass shattered on the floor. My drunk reaction to this was, “Oh, of course that happened, I am really drunk,” so I non-chalantly got out the vacuum at 1 in the morning and cleaned it up (while cutting my fingers and bleeding all over).

Yes, a fun night! Apparently I made a good impression, as my kouchou sensei was like, “You have to give me your keitai number so we can drink in Ota!” Haha, yay drunk bonding.

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