Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Indoor Orinpikku

Today the 3nensei and 3nensei teachers (which includes me, woot!) had the “indoor Olympics” during 3rd and 4th period. It was a fluke that I was actually here for it, as I am always at shougakkou Wednesdays (and, it turns out, I think I was supposed to be there today, oops! Hee hee), and I am very glad that I got to see the indoor Olympics in action! The event consisted of 5-6 relays, with the five classes competing against each other. It is basically like field day, but, er, in the gym. Man, it was hella fun!

I have to say, for being a rather quiet and reserved people, the Japanese have some fun and quirky relay games hidden up their sleeves! The first relay consisted of blowing a Kleenex in the air and not letting it drop. The person to keep it up the longest got a point for their class. This is harder than it sounds! I beat everyone, bitches, ‘cause I specialize in blowing, mmkay!

The second relay had everyone put their forehead on a cone, spin around ten times, then race each other to the finish line. The teachers did it last and had to spin TWENTY times! It was hardcore. It was fun to see everyone fall over tho, hehe.

The third relay was fucking CRAZY! Everyone got into groups of five, and they each had a page of newspaper to stand on. Then they played a mass game of janken (rock, paper, scissors) with me (the “janken champion,” according to the rules!). If they lost janken, they had to fold the paper in half, then all stand on it. This continued on until everyone had teeny pieces of newspaper. Man, Japanese kids are good engineers! They had kids on their backs, on their shoulders…anywhere to make it so five people would fit on the teeny piece of paper. No wonder half the population of America can fit on an island the size of California!

The next relay was the wheelbarrow…that’s what we call it in English, right? I think so. They call it “supercar.” Then after that was the crappiest game EVER! The kids had a towel, and had to run to the next person while keeping the towel on the ground with their hands (so they were running hunched over). Hello, that is totally a sneaky “let’s clean the gym!” game, and is clearly NOT a real game! We’ll forgive them for that one.

For the last game, everyone was given a straw, which they kept in their mouth. Every team would line up, and have to pass a rubberband from person to person (i.e. straw to straw) not using their hands. It is a little makeout-ish, if I do say so myself! I had played this before once with Pocky. It’s fun!

Anyway, yeah, that was the indoor Olympics….hmm, maybe it doesn’t sound as fun in writing. It was a lot of fun, though, and it was nice to see everyone being so genki and bonding! Awww, my once-little-shits-of-2nenseis are growing into nice 3nensei so fast!

1 comment:

Cindy Ng said...

Um, ii na! I want the indoor orinpikku at my school!! Hmm...they've probably had it already but I was too busy sitting at my desk. Haha.