Monday, June 12, 2006

Dude, I am SO into sports

I am watching the big Japan vs. Australia game of the World Cup tonight, if only so that I can talk to everyone about it tomorrow at work. Cindy and I are watching for the same reasons....a mix of boredom, and (more importantly) to look for hot guys! Things that go through Jeff's head during soccer, as E-Mailed to Cindy earlier:

Dude, why is the Japanese national anthem SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring and anti-climactic?! Hello, have some exciting ending, please! Bah, it figgers. It also sounds like Andrew Lloyd Weber wrote it.....while asleep.

Ooo, a Japanese guy just had his ass in the air.

Nakata is hot at times....he seems like a TOTAL bitch, tho.

There is another hot player on the Japan team, hmm! Must research later.

I don't like how they keep taking kids out with them at the beginning. it is creepy. Why are kids there?!

The Australian team is not attractive, except for one guy who is okay. Sad!

Ooo, they are huddling. Asses!


Cindy Ng said... top hot guys from the Japan no particular order: Nakata, Ono, and Kawaguchi (the tall, dark and dangerous goalie!). Mm mm. Sad that they lost!! Boo Australia!! They had no hot guys on their team; they shouldn't have won!! (B/c that's a prereq. in Cindy's book. ;-))

Jeff Santilli said...

Hello, don't forget Yanagisawa! Rowr!

Anonymous said...

What about Alex?!

I'm rooting for the Japanese players that don't look very Japanese. Very sad game. 20 minutes to go and Australia scores 3...and now Japan has to face Brazil. Doesn't look good.


Jeff Santilli said...

This is when Brazil gets even with Japan for having them do all of the shitty jobs in this country! Never invoke the wrath of a Hispanic person....I should know ;)

-totally un-PC Jeff