Sunday, June 11, 2006


Thanks to Cindy actually watching Japanese TV (unlike me), I found out yesterday that Rent is coming here in November! Wooooooooooooooooooot! However, I also found out that because of the movie (I assume), people actually know what Rent is now, and tickets are selling like hotcakes (which is strange, since the movie was in like 20 theatres in the whole country)! Not cool! So, after not being able to sleep from excitement (God, I'm such a loser), I woke up early and went to Family Mart today and bought tickets! Woot de woot woot! I am seeing it twice, 'cause I need a double-dose of crack! I'm going on 11/23 by myself (sniff) and then I'm taking Cindy and Ann (Rent virgins!) on the 25th. Yayyyyyyyyyyy! I don't care if it is fake Rent, I need my crack fix, dammit! Woot woot woot!


Anonymous said...

FREE? FREE?? damn, false advertising

GrantPGranthm said...


hisashiburi. See you on Friday!