Here are "various photos" from my keitai and digicam....I was going to upload Korea photos while I was at it, but I realized that I have to wait to get everyone else's photos before I do that *nodnod*

I love me some grapefruits sours, even though I don't like grapefruit! When you order a grapefruit sour, you get a big glass of...sour stuff. I dunno, alcoholic stuff, then you get a grapefruit that you squeeze yourself and pour into the drink. Not only is it is fun, but it a) makes you feel very productive b) makes you feel like you're having a vitamin-enriched drink, and not something that destroys your immune system and c) is fresh! Fun stuff all around, I tell you. This is from Tokyo orientation (those weren't all for me, thank you).
To show you how awful my English is at the moment, I first wrote "sour" as "sower," then "sawer," then "saur." Then I was pretty sure it was "sour," but it looked wrong so I had to look it up in the dictionary. Oy.

Beware of the power of Japanese marketing! Coke was having the best "saabisu" (service) EVER for the World Cup....keychains that looked like poker chips. There was one for each country in the World Cup, with their flag and stuff on it. K, it doesn't sound cool, but it is! I swear ;) Hehe. Anyway, Tim introduced Cindy and I to them and we immediately went to every conbini near (and not near) us in order to collect the ones we wanted (might I add that it is embarrassing to empty a refrigerator of Cokes while looking for the World Cup keychain of your choice...and it's even more embarrassing to do so while on the phone saying "Okay, they have Saudi Arabia....shit, they don't have Japan! Ooooooooo, they have Korea, do you want me to get it for you?").

This is the baseball game we went to about a month ago. I am so macho!

While wandering around Ota (getting some necessary exercise between our two dinners that night, hehe) we ran into an izakaya called "Inaka." Inaka means like boonies, country, middle-of-nowhere. I was pretty amused and found it fitting that it's in Ota.
1 comment:
yet another excuse for more conbini visits!! ;)
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