Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cindy is quicker than me at blogging!

So, the big news of the week (well, other than going home) is that Cindy and I got new keitais! Yeeeeea! I was bored as shit with my keitai and wanted a new one, plus all of the new JETs have shiny new phones and I was jealous! We got the same keitai as like every new JET, but I'll ignore that and pretend that we're both very original!

Anyway, Cindy is a big nerd with lots of free time (unlike me!) and blogged exactly what I was going to say, so go here and read it! NOW!

(oh, mine is a black version of her keitai)

1 comment:

Cindy Ng said...

Actually, I am a very busy person, uh huh. I had to schedule in time to write that post! Haha. Yaay new phones! I think my teacher thinks I'm strange b/c I kept staring at it and playing with it for no reason. Oh, how I'm soo easily amused!