Thursday, October 05, 2006

Signs I have been in Japan for too long

-I clap as a way to show my joy or amusement towards anything.

-I was singing to a song the other day and said “rife” instead of “life.” Ruh-roh!

-When a student who has studied English for three years is able to randomly ask me “What are you doing?” in English, I am both extremely impressed and assume that she goes to juku (cram school) for more English help.

-I instantly understand the meaning of the written sentence, “He likes makubonalubo.” (“He likes McDonald’s.”)


Anonymous said...

Put it all together and ya got:

what are you doing riking makubonalubo? you have no rife! *applauds*

Kris said...

haha. it's funny because it's true...
or maybe it's funny because it's sad. (?)