Thursday, November 09, 2006


It is a glorious time of year, as mikan are in season! Yay! Perhaps one of the only good things about the dreadfully cold winter to come is that at least I can eat mikan all day long. For those who don't know, mikan are like small oranges. There is some random English word for them, but I don't know it and you probably don't, either. They aren't tangerines, though. Anyway, they are perfect, as they are yummy and vitamin C-y, but not too big to eat for one person like an orange! They are the perfect snack. AND they are the ONLY cheap fruit to be found in this country! To celebrate this momentous occasion, I bought a huge bag of them and have been having approximately four mikan a day. Woot!


GrantPGranthm said...

Honey, I think you'll find that "random" English word to be mandarin.

Anonymous said...

We call them Clementines here.

Jeff Santilli said...

Clementines, that's it! I knew it was some Southern-sounding name.

They aren't mandarins, mandarins taste all mandarin-y! Mikan are orange-y! Yep!