Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Lactose intolerant people are GAY!!!

Oh, boy, I can get married and have kids and watch football all day long! All I have to do is stop drinking soy milk!


Cindy Ng said...

Hmm, perhaps if they labeled soy milk as "gay milk" and regular milk as "straight milk," people will easily come to learn about this gay-inducing fluid.

Anonymous said...

Is that a real column? It reads like something you'd find in The Onion - hilarious.

Jeff Santilli said...

Sadly, it is real! Of course, no one knew who the hell he was until this happened....

Anonymous said...

A nice accompaniment to this genious article was the enormous flashing banner for The Nativity tha played for the duration of my reading time...coincidence, I think not!

GrantPGranthm said...

I think I am going to have to have a few strong words with my mother. I want to know why I didn't get fed soy milk when I was a baby. It would have saved me from the having to go through the whole "working myself out" period. The milk would have set me on the right path from the beginning!

Miss you!