Monday, September 26, 2005

Mutter mutter mutter

Okay, am I the only one that notices how much Japanese people talk to themselves? Teachers seriously have whole conversations with themselves in the staffroom, especially when on the computer. This complaint is coming from someone who talks to himself ALL THE TIME. I think I am my own best friend, and best conversation partner (I know Eduardo is nodding as he reads this). However, I pale in comparison to the mighty power of the muttering Japanese person. Is this just my staff, or does everyone else notice the same thing? Comment away, people!


Cindy Ng said...

Yeah, sometimes I think they're talking to me, when they're actually just muttering to themselves. I think it's sorta scary. Maybe it's all the stress that comes from work? Though...I have noticed the students mutter as well. Dunno..sort of a mystery to me. Kay, sorry for the boring comment as I am rushing to work at the moment!

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