Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Daily Lunchtime Post

So, as far as I know, garbage disposals don’t exist in Japan, but I am changing that by becoming the human garbage disposal at work! Whenever there are any sort of leftovers, they’re like “dou shiyou kana (What should we do?)….” Then immediately look at the big fat gaijin. Of course, I’m always happy to oblige in my duties. At least they pay attention to me in important times of need! Today I got an extra bowl of “brown stew” (um, maybe we could work on making a more appetizing name for that, people).

Myra pointed out that my blog is about three things: eating, alcohol, and teaching, so I had to include the upper post to continue these themes!

Last night I continued my recent TV addiction. Well, who am I kidding with the word “recent” TV addiction. Rather, recent addiction to downloading American TV. Lately I have been catching up on The OC, Desperate Housewives, Alias, Arrested Development, and Lost. So good! I am almost 3/4 through the first season of Lost, then I can finally watch the season two episodes I have downloaded, woot. I love that damn show! Sean, you had better be addicted and have watched at least 2 of the 3 discs I lent you by now.

Last night I also got to talk to Eduardo for a minute, which made me happy, yay. AND I went to bed EARLY for once and got a good night’s sleep. I didn’t know such a thing was possible! I have been sooooo tired lately, and I have been getting sick for like three weeks, I just want my body to give up so I can get rid of the damn cold by now. Anyway, I got around 8 hours of sleep and came to school in a good mood for once, which was nice. AND I was in a good mood because I got to chat with Eduardo for 15 minutes this morning! I miss my mexinugget…(hmm, for some strange reason Microsoft Word is questioning that word)

Since I have been told I write novels on this blog (hmph!), I will end this post now…I’m sure I will be back before the day is over!


Anonymous said...

I like your posting 3 times a day :)

Anonymous said...

I have yet to start Lost. This is because I know once I start it, I will probably get very addicted (and not leave my house). I think I may give it back to you today and borrow it come the cold month of December or January...when the winter hibernation will be in full effect.
