Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Teachers aren't as busy as you think!

It always amuses me that Japanese teachers are really busy and stay late and everything, but that they still find time to play at work. I mean, I guess they have to, or they would go muy loco, but it always surprises me. Usually they just waste hours in the shokuinshitsu by gossiping about students, but today the entertainment in the 3nensei group was to check who of us can drink! It was the most Japanese thing ever. So we all got band-aids with rubbing alcohol on them, and we had to put them on the inside of our elbow (is that what you call it?) for seven minutes. Then you take the band-aid off and wait ten minutes, and if it is red it means you are...weak to alcohol. How do you say? Um. A lightweight! Yes. Or that you shouldn't drink. Anyway, none of us were red, so either it doesn’t work or we are all alcoholics, I am not sure which! It was fun, though. Clazy Senseis.

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