Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Please Please Me, 12 year-olds!

So for 1nensei classes this week we are warming up with a Beatles song. Let the record state that it is never my choice to sing in front of the kids, but oh well. Anyway, we were gonna do Eight Days a Week or Love Me Do, but couldn’t because of technical difficulties. My teacher ended up choosing Please Please Me, which I am beginning to think was NOT the best choice! Here is part of the chorus:

Come on, come on, come on, come on
Please please me oh yeah like I please you

There is also this line:

I do all the pleasing with you

Now I may be a big hentai with a dirty mind, but I do NOT like saying this to a bunch of 12 year-olds and them repeating it back to me! The Japanese translation has it translated as “Please cheer me up.” Now that very well could have been The Beatles’ intention with the lyrics, but I have a feeling the cheeky monkeys behind Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds had other things in mind when writing these lyrics. Either way it is very disturbing to be saying this to 1nensei!

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