Monday, September 05, 2005

Break between classes

So, by popular demand (well, er, two requests), I am going to start a blog, as it is the typical thing to do when one goes somewhere crazy like Japan. Plus this way I can talk all about ME and not care about what you guys are up to! Just kidding. Anyhoo, I figure I can post amusing stories and pictures that I otherwise wouldn’t send to my parents or put on my family-friendly photos page (k, so lap dances with Veronica aren’t so family friendly, but you get the picture).

Anyway, I am currently in the staffroom, as I have the period off. Just had my first official class and it went relatively well. The students were kinda shy and whatnot, but seemed nice enough. I have 3nensei up next, so they should be a bit more jouzu, in theory. Um, I’m not going to bother translating my Jengrish, so you can just deal!

So, my first real day of classes started off amazingly, as everyone was called to a special assembly in the morning to discuss the fact that a 3nensei student punched a teacher in the face! The principal’s speech pretty much consisted of, “I told you last term not to be violent and you were! You shouldn’t be violent, but you should study! See ya!” Ah, I love my gangster school!

Anyway, time to get back to work….

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