Monday, September 05, 2005

Naughty Pictures

Hello, isn't this the whole point of having a blog that your family doesn't know about? A few random pictures....

Um, this came with my first school lunch. It is a stick of cheese, but it looked like there was a large tampon waiting for me on my lunch tray. Thank god for cell phone cameras.

A picture from the gayest karaoke night ever:

These are on my website, but I feel that they need to be and Veronica getting freakay at the enkai:

Aren't we great cultural ambassadors? I'm eagerly awaiting my friends' copies of our "Milkshake" performance from karaoke....DIRRTY!

I debated whether or not to post this one, but I'll do it just for you, Veronica.

"Your jaw unhinges just like a SNAKE!"

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