Thursday, September 08, 2005

Let's learning Japanese!

It has been brought to my attention that people back in the States have no idea what I'm saying half the time on here 'cause of my Jengrish. So, the following is a guide to Japanese words that every gaijin (oops, there's one) adopts, whether they mean to or not. You crazy non-Japanese-speaking people can refer to this in future posts, 'cause I know you are that concerned about knowing what I'm talking about.

Shougakkou- Elementary school

Chuugakkou- Middle school/Junior High (I may leave some of the u's out of these words out of laziness)

Gaijin- foreigner

Genki- happy/energetic

-nensei- grade. For example, 6nensei at shougakkou is a 6th grader at elem. school. At Junior High, an 1nensei is equivalent to an American 7th grader, 2nensei is an 8th grader, and a 3nensei is a high school freshman (high schools are only three years here)

Konbini- convenience store. I may spell it conbini, tho. It is worth note that conbinis here are a million times better than the ones in the States. Mmm, conbinis.

Keitai- cell phone

Hmm, what else?

Nihongo- Japanese

Eigo- English

ganbaru/ganbatte- to endure (there isn't a good translation of it)

Mamachari- granny bike

I'm sure there are more, but that's good for now. Here are some of the acronyms I may use:

BOE- Board of Education, i.e. that horribly far away building that can suck my dick
ALT- Assistant Language Teacher (me)
JTE- Japanese Teacher of English (my co-teacher or whatever)

This has to be the most boring blog post in history. Anyway, there ya go, ya crazy gaijin!


Anonymous said...

arigato jeff-sensei! I sorta figured out all of them except ALT- hey now I know!

GrantPGranthm said...

You should, like, be a teacher or sumfink....