Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Proof that Japan is crazy

1. Today at the Fujimart I was bagging my groceries, when this worker comes up and sneakily adds a big-ass container of Q-Tips* in my bag and walks off. Actually, she did this all while walking, without breaking her stride. Um, WTF? Either she saw my ear wax from 50 feet away and was like "oh, honey, here you go," or it was some kind of crazy-ass saabisu (service....such as getting toilet paper at the gas station. Ya know, like ya do). However, I didn't see anyone else getting Q-Tips. Sad.

*I would translate Q-Tips for the non-Americans, but I forget what you crazy bastards call them

2. I saw a small bug above my bed, so I killed it with a kleenex, only to find a big-ass splatter of blood on my wall! This was a tiny fucking bug, and but now my wall has a fucking blood stain like three times its size! What the hell? Since when do bugs bleed like that?


Anonymous said...

Jeff, twas a feast. I wish I could have taken some of that guacamole home with me. Arigatou m'love.
Just to answer your questions... we call Q-tips "cotton buds" and the AA in Britain is indeed both the Automobile Association and Alcoholics Anonymous. You can imagine the jesting that results.
I think that lady at Fujimart must fancy you because I never got any cotton buds. Ever. I did however get some free vitamins and facial cleanser at the Joyful Honda chemists on Monday. Yay for being a gaijin.

Anonymous said...

maybe you can scrub the blood off with your new cotton buds