Saturday, October 08, 2005

Fuck walking!

So, I used to ALWAYS go on long-ass walks for the sake of walking....but my beloved mamachari has poisoned my love for the "sport!" Today I decided to walk instead of bike to Co-op, which is a 30-second bike ride/2-minute walk, and that was a big decision! I just got back from picking up my old bike from the station, which is a 5-minute ride/15-minute walk....but I may as well have walked to fucking Tokyo, it felt like it took so long. The whole time I was bitterly thinking, "If I was on my bike I'd be there by now grumble grumble....." This must be the way people with cars think! Must be nice to be one of them ;)

1 comment:

GrantPGranthm said...

Oh cars are THE SHIT! Bikes are SOOOO last century.