So I have been a bad blogger lately, but I think it’s an epidemic ‘cause everyone else is leaving me with no reading entertainment. Blog, people, blog away! Anyway, highlights of the week….
On Wednesday night Jenny, Grant and I went to Darin’s house for a yummy-as dinner. We had chicken tacos, guacamole, salad, etc. It had been SO long since I had anything remotely Mexican that I am afraid I devoured everything in front of me (what else is new). After that we had ice cream bars, and Darin, Jenny and I each ate a third of a pumpkin pie. Um, yeah. Definitely regret that decision! I was tired at 9 am that day, but after eating that much food (and drinking a bit too much wine) I was wandering my house at midnight with more energy than I’d had all day. Whoops! J
Friday was FINALLY the end of the longest and most boring work week EVER! I went to Nacchan’s restaurant for dinner, then Mami, Minako and Grant came over to my place late at night and stayed over. It was fun, but the whole only-3-hours-of-sleep thing definitely bit me in the ass on Saturday!
Saturday was the most American day EVER. Well, I guess Sunday was, too. K, this was the most American weekend ever! On Saturday I went with Emily, Ann and Shindy to the Sano outlet mall, which is exactly like American outlet malls. They even have the same stores (tho, sadly, no Dress Barn or Vitamin World. I refuse to buy my clothes from anywhere that is NOT a barn, thank you). It was the day after payday so I totally expected to come back with tons of bags and no money, but I didn’t buy anything? What the hell? I was ready to spend my salary at the Diesel store, but it was just……weird shit. Like……weird shit, yo! Not funky/cool-weird, just fucking WEIRD. I was surprised to find semi-helpful workers at a Diesel store, though, considering in the States they are like “We’re hot and you’re not, fuck you!” Oh, yeah, at Sano I had my first McDonald’s meal since coming here. Sadly, it was rather yummy!
After Sano we went to Corona and went to Mr. Max, which is like Target or Wal-Mart or somesuch. I got boring house shit. We then went to the HUGEST 100 yen store ever, but it was just too overwhelming, I didn’t even know where to start. Then we finished our American day by having “tacos” from a cart. I question whether or not they were tacos, but they were good, and that’s all that matters!
Shindy caught a train before me (since I have the fucking inaka line and three trains come on her line before one comes on mine;I’m not bitter!), and right when I got the train she texted me saying “Man, I’m glad I just missed the rain!” It wasn’t raining in Ota yet, so I was hoping I’d be okay, when all of a sudden HUGE rain drops start pounding on the train windows. I get off at the Yabbers stop and it is fucking CRAZY. It was literally the craziest thunder/lightning/rain crazy-as storm I have ever seen, and I’m not exaggerating. Holly, you would have died. At first I wanted to wait it out, as it would surely calm down, but after waiting about 10 minutes it only started raining harder. I refused to spend my night at the damn station, so I got on my mamachari and rode like the wind. Well, not really, considering the road was covered in a permanent sheet of water. Not only that, but you could see where the fucking lightning was. It was above the fields and the sounds came IMMEDIATELY after seeing the flashes, which is never a good sign. While fearing for my life (and after getting the saddest “KAWAISOU!” look from a lady in her comfy, warm car), I had the following conversation with myself: “Fuck Japan! Fuck this country! Fuck bikes! Fuck having no car! Fuck anything that has to do with anything! FUCK THIS RAIN! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! FUCK YOU! FUCK JAPAN!!!!” I’m sure the neighbors thought I had Torette’s (sp) or something. Of course as I reached home it started lightly sprinkling, which only helped my love of the world, hehe. I stripped off my soaking clothes, took a shower in 45 degree water (mmm (might I add that’s Celsius, not Fahrenheit, crazy Americans), then stayed in my ofuro (Japanese bath) until I was lightheaded from the heat. ‘Twas great! Might I add that Muji honey bath essence kicks ass!
K, this post is long. I will post about Sunday latah.