Hmm, I hope my coworkers don’t think I’m a big alcoholic. So, I use Purell (hand sanitizer, for you crazy non-germophobe non-Americans) a lot because 1) Japanese community soap is sketchy and 2) kids are gross and full of germs. Anyway, it totally makes me smell like vodka for like five minutes afterwards, so I hope the other teachers don’t think I’m like going to the bathroom to take a swig out of my flask every hour or something. Although they probably do the same thing, hehe. Anyway!
Hmm, I haven’t updated in a while. On Friday night Cindy, Jenny and I had a Country Ma’am dinner in Nitta. We have decided that we’re called the Country Ma’ams ‘cause 1) they are the most amazing cookies in the world and we devour them by the bag-full, 2) we are in the country and 3) we are ma’ams! I think we need to make t-shirts. Anyway, a Country Ma’am dinner consists of too much food, too much gossip, and too much dessert, and Friday most definitely didn’t disappoint! We tried this Italian place by Jenny’s house that was AMAZING. We had this set dinner thing that had a RIDICULOUS amount of food, and there was this amazing pumpkin cream sauce pasta (k, it sounds gross now that I think about it, but it ISN’T, dammit!) that was sooooo good. K, I will refrain from talking about food too much. Lalalala.
Anyway, after that we went back to Jenny’s and chilled and ate about 20 pounds of conbini desserts. Hehe. It was fun, but I felt like shit afterwards, even though I rode my bike for like 40 minutes uphill to get home. No more sugar! (I say this while drinking coffee and eating a Mr. Donuts). Oh, I’m officially Japanese because right now on top of Pringles they have a free saabisu that is a little Pringle guy in various Christmas poses/outfits. I got a reindeer one, and it is KAWAIIIIIIII (cuuuuuuuuuuute). I am sadly going to get all of them and put them on my desk. I don’t want the Pringles, though. Maybe I can just shoplift the saabisu. What is wrong with me? Oh, well, at least it will spice up my boring-as desk.
Anyhoo, on Saturday Jenny, Cindy, Ann, Anna and I went shopping in Takasaki. I love me some Vivre (a department store)! I sadly didn’t buy too much for myself, hrm. I was going to get warm, comfy Muji sheets, but I realized that I’m not sure if my bed is a double or a queen. I may have to change my pick-up line accordingly! I did get a comfy hoody for when I want to be boroboro at home, which is ALL the time.
Oh my God, there was the hottest hapa guy on the train on the way to Takasaki! He totally knew I was talking about him, but I don’t care. Sadly, my girlfriends don’t agree with my taste, hrm. He was hot, dammit! Nevermind that he was a high school student. At least I think he was a 3nensei, that makes it a LITTLE better ;)
Wow, this is rambly. Too much coffee. Anyway, Takasaki was fun. We were craving sushi, so we went to this place with a huge sushi sign above it, only to find an izakaya that barely had any sushi. We thought it was strange that they’d advertise themselves as a sushi place, then only have like three sushi-related items on the menu. As we left, Ann realized that we went to the restaurant NEXT to the sushi place. Hmm, that explains that one. Have I mentioned that we’re really smart?
Saturday night I chilled at home and watched me some Lilo and Stitch. I love me some Stitch!
Sunday I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and it was wonderful. I’ve only had a cold (well, probably various colds) for literally a month now, so I am trying to get rid of the fucker by resting. Meh. I watched the second half of Two Towers Special Edition(I had started it like three weeks ago) and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I hadn’t seen it since the theatre….I knew that it was good, but I forgot how good it is. Damn, it’s a good movie! I love Charlie Kaufman. Hmm, I need to buy Adaptation.
This is a really boring entry, I apologize. Today has been a rare good Monday! This morning I kicked ass by planning two grades’ lessons, making the materials, and making photocopies within 30 minutes. Um, clazy! Also, all of the students are really genki today? I dunno why, but I’m not complaining! One more class, then I’m done for the day. Woot!