Thursday, May 24, 2007


I booked two very exciting trips today...NYC and Mexico City!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! I am gonna be in NYC from 8/28 until 9/10, catching all of the shows I have missed in the last two years, bitching about the heat, and annoying Myra! Hee hee, WOOT!

I also booked my flight to Mexico, which is VERY EXCITING! I will be heading there on 10/19 and seeing my boyooooooo, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot! I am gonna fly back on 12/19 in order to be in Oregon for Holly’s birthday, then Christmas! WOOT! I am excited! I was able to use my miles for the flight, so it only cost sixty bucks, AND I am flying first-class on the way home! Hello, I have never ridden first class before, I cant wait! Yeeeeeeea, motherfuckers!

Yabuchu is SO ghetto fabulous!

In Japan, it is only compulsory (WHOA, big word!!!!) to go to school until the end of junior high school. After that you can skip high school and get a job at the Subaru factory or construction or something, which is what the bad kids do. Because of this, bad kids who graduated come back once in a while to visit their junior high school since they have way too much free time. They are always BEYOND ghetto, as they have blonde hair, 300 piercings, and look like they are members of the yakuza (then again, in Yabuzuka, you never know!). They come to the staffroom and talk to their old teachers, then usually are told to go away. Haha.

Anyway, today two bad girls who graduated a year ago came back and were apparently so bored that they wanted to pretend they were students! They fucking came in their old school uniforms hoping that people wouldn’t realize that they weren’t real students!!!! The only way you could tell they weren’t was because they had lots of piercings and big long colored hair (against the rules in junior high). All of a sudden in the middle of first period one of the teachers had to escort them out of the building!!!! Ahahahaha, that is SO sad. Like, how bored must you be to want to go back to junior high school and pretend to be a student? Just freaking go to high school!!!

Bonding with my kids, yay!

Okay, so over a month ago at the enkai (drinking party with teachers), my kouchou sensei (principal) was like, “Jeff, do you want to go on the shuugaku ryokou (school trip with 3nensei to Kyoto, Osaka, etc.)? It would be a fun last memory for you and the kids!” I was like, “Hell, yeah!” So he was like, okay, cool.

Then the next week, he asked me if I remembered Friday night and what he said (okay, I am drunk off my ass at ONE enkai and now everyone thinks I cant remember anything, SAD), and I said yes, then he mumbled something and I pretended to understand. Might I add that chuugakkou principals and vice principals have their own language that consists of manly mumbling that I don’t understand half the time! I hang out with too many girls!

Anyway, for the last month, I have wondered if I am going or not, as NOTHING has been said about the trip. I was hoping I could go, but it is a week after Singapore, so if I didn’t go I wouldn’t be like crying in the corner or anything. So I finally asked kouchou sensei about it today and he was like, yeah, duh. Hahahaha. YAY! Japanese people are SO weird. Like, if you mention one thing for 30 seconds, it is like decided and never brought up again. I don’t get it! But anyway, I am excited, it will be fun! I am gonna be such a loser hanging out with my kids, they are totally gonna be sick of me by the end!