Monday, October 31, 2005

Ojiichan ni natteru kana?

Today marks the 3-month mark of me being in Japan. The longest I have ever been here was exactly three months, so tomorrow will be a very special day in the life of Jeff, sniff sniff ;) Hehe. But yeah, I am a little worried about myself as Japan continues to make me weirder and weirder. For example, I am totally becoming a crazy Japanese old man! I used to always say little Japanese things to myself like “are?!” or “nani kore?” etc etc, while judging other Japanese people who have entire conversations to themselves for no reason. However, lately I have been having entire Japanese conversations with myself, sometimes in public. For example, lately at the store I have been saying various things aloud such as “Oh, they don't have _____,” “Wow, that’s really cheap, I should buy it!” “Hmm, I wonder where ____ is,” “Ooo, I really want that,” etc. etc. all in Japanese. I have also been doing the same thing in my house. This cannot be a good sign!

I have also refuse to eat anything with my hands or a fork. I have been addicted to nashi (Asian pears) lately, and I chop them up into small pieces so I can eat them with chopsticks. Um, even Japanese people eat them with forks most of the time!

Shindy and I also found ourselves buying stupid shit at Disneyland just ‘cause it was “kawaiiiiii!” (cuuuuuuuuuute!), whereas we normally wouldn’t waste our money on Disneyland souvenirs. Hmm. Clazy, indeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am worried about you too! maybe you should just stay over there ;)