Friday, April 07, 2006

Happy New Year

Today the new school year started, which means that we had the opening ceremony introducing the new 1nensei to Yabuchuu this morning. The kids were SO cute! They were so nervous they looked like they were about to fall over. It was also funny to see them in their “they’re expensive, so we’ll buy big ones they’ll grow into!” uniforms. Awww, little 1nensei, please stay innocent and cute forever!

Other random notes and bitching from the opening ceremony:

-I hate hate hate hate hate the head of our PTA! He is so fucking full of himself! He thinks everyone just wants to sit there at ceremonies and listen to him talk for fucking hours about the wonder of Yabuchu. He literally gave a 10-minute speech today about how he hopes people will enjoy their time here. Um, he gave the exact same, long-winded speech (albeit in past-tense) at graduation two weeks ago. I hate him! It’s a bad sign when his speech is like three times longer than the principal’s. I want to find out who his kid is and give him or her bad grades for having a stupid father! Hehe, maybe not, but I find it weird that he wants to be at Yabuchu more than any of the students. Fucking freak!

-Somehow all of my just-turned 2nensei boys grew their hair long and started styling it over the last two weeks? It seems like two times longer?! I don’t get how that works.

-Man, word travels fast in Gunma. I won’t aide in the spreading of ALT gossip (for once!), but one of my students asked me about the recent ALT “incident?!” Damn.

-The teacher next to me had his program open and would cross out the scheduled time of events with a red pen and write in the actual time that they started? Okay….

-Not opening ceremony-related, but my new scheduler sucks ass, yo. I got my schedule for the next six months, and it SUCKS. I didn’t realize that Kojima-Sensei gave me an awesome schedule, as I had four classes everyday, and two periods off. My new one is a fucking uneven disaster! I have four on Monday, FIVE on Tuesday (um, fuck that shit), TWO on Thursday, and FIVE on fucking Friday(of all days). This sucks ass. He also doesn’t know what he is doing, as 7kumi (special needs) only has two English classes a week (one with me and one with a normal teacher), and he put them both on the same day?! Um…..bring back Kojima, please!

Hmm, is there a positive note I can end this on? Um….I’m getting drunk with my new 3nensei teachers tonight! I hope it’s fun? I’m nervous, it will be my first enkai! Hmm, we shall see how it goes…..and how getting up at 5 am for a hike tomorrow will go. Oy.

K, that wasn’t very positive ;) Maybe next time! Hehe.

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