Saturday, July 15, 2006

I have a new woman in my life...

Yesterday was a monumental day....a new diva has entered Jeff's life! She's Columbian, has an amazingly flat stomach and sings weird...and she's amazing!

Yes, that's right, Shakira is my new girlfriend. I'm as surprised as you are! I used to think she was just a skinny chick who sang funny and used her international stardom as a con to bring cocaine to various countries via her stomach (hello, she's Columbian, that's all they know how to do!), but I was wrong!

In March my sister gave me MP3s of her greatest hits album in Spanish and I hadn't listened to them 'til yesterday. Holy shit, I was missing out! It is fucking GOOD SHIT! It combines my favorite things...hip-shaking dance rhythms (hello, is there any other way to dance?!), my odd habit of liking music in languages I don't understand, and diva-ness! Plus it is the BEST music for half-naked dancing in my apartment, which happens often now due to hot weather and naked time being re-instated. What more could you ask for, really?

1 comment:

GrantPGranthm said...

Half-naked dancing, huh.

Which half?