Monday, March 05, 2007

Abe is a fucking retard

Dude, Abe is so fucking stupid. CNN article about Abe and a more interesting Japan Times article about the truth.

Dude, Abe fucking blows. Even though Koizumi was Bush's bitch, at least he was somewhat cool. Abe is taking Japan 50 years into the past, making it even more sexist, nationalist and xenophobic. It is just going to fuck them over in the end. Grrrrrrrrr!


Neil McDonald said...

Totally unrelated but are you busy the 17th? St. Patricks Day drinking and a send off for Nat and Ad.

Jeff Santilli said...

I might be available, but my will-be-jet-lagged-as-fuck boyfriend is coming that day, so I dunno! E-Mail me the details at, prease :) Sankyuu!